The My Inner Heroes series combines exciting, kid-focused adventures with proven coping strategies from licensed mental health experts.

In every book, brave Heroes battle against scheming Cons, showing kids how to turn on their innate powers and conquer common childhood challenges.

  • Attack of the Fake Friends

    HERO: Lync - Helps make friends

    CON: Iso - Hurts relationships

    KID: Sam - Needs a true friend

    Sam is stuck in an unhealthy friendship. She feels sad when her friends leave her out and say mean things to her. But she’s also worried about having no friends. Lync and Iso battle inside Sam to help her decide – is making new friends too difficult? Or can Sam find the strength to put herself out there and start a new friendship? 

    Helpful with: Making Friends, Social Connections, Communication

  • Crusher Strikes Again

    HERO: Yett - Builds confidence

    CON: Crusher - Prevents growth

    KID: Oscar - Discovers his true capabilities

    Oscar is struggling at bat and thinks he’ll never get better at baseball. When an embarrassing incident results in unkind remarks from his teammates, Oscar wonders: should he quit the team, like Crusher wants? Or should he listen to Yett, and persevere through difficult times, believing he can grow and change? The battle is on!

    Helpful with: Resilience, Personal Growth, Agency

  • Ice Cream Explosion

    HERO: Sol - Brings clarity

    CON: Faze - Clouds thinking

    KID: Brooke - Finds a way to keep her cool

    Brooke is having “one of those days” where everything’s going wrong. When she learns that she missed out on strawberry ice cream at recess, it’s the last straw. She explodes and ends up in the principal’s office. Will Faze cloud Brooke’s thinking, keeping her in knee-jerk reaction mode? Or can Sol shed some light on the situation and help Brooke calm her body, think clearly, and make better decisions?

    Helpful with: Self-Regulation, Agency, Communication

  • Castle Clash

    HERO: Turbo - Solves problems

    CON: Deep Freeze - Encourages helplessness

    KID: Miles - Takes action to make positive change

    Miles is starting to think that no matter what he does, his family will always see him as a troublemaker. His older brother Ethan blames him for EVERYTHING and Miles is sick of it. When Ethan and Miles get in a fight about a video game, will Deep Freeze convince Miles that he’s helpless and should accept his fate as the “problem”? Or will Turbo help Miles see how Miles can choose to take action to improve his situation — even when it seems hopeless?

    Helpful with: Agency, Relationships, Communication, Siblings

  • Birthday Bust

    HERO: Lync - Forms strong relationships

    CON: Iso - Sabotages friendships

    KID: Miles - Learns that “funny” isn’t always best

    Miles can’t understand why no one thinks his jokes are funny. The harder he tries to get attention at his friend’s birthday party, the more annoyed everyone gets. When Miles goes for one last epic laugh, things (literally) blow up in his face. Will Iso convince Miles he’s a loser who will never be invited to a party again? Or can Lync help Miles see that he doesn’t need to try so hard to let his lovable self shine through?

    Helpful with: Making Friends, Self-Regulation, Communication, Social Connections

  • Test Trouble

    HERO: Yett - Inspires can-do thinking

    CON: Crusher - Triggers hopelessness

    KID: Keira - Sees that hiding her struggles keeps her stuck

    Keira is terrible at math and always will be. At least that’s what she thinks. And she’s determined that no one else finds out, including her dad, her friends, and even her teacher. Will Keira listen to Crusher and do ANYTHING it takes to hide her struggles? Or will Yett convince Keira that she can improve her skills — in math or in anything else — with diligent practice and a positive attitude? 

    Helpful with: Resilience, Personal Growth, Agency

  • Broken Promise

    HERO: Sol - Promotes flexibility

    CON: Faze - Causes tunnel vision

    KID: Colin - Figures out how to go with the flow

    Colin CANNOT WAIT to play football with his friends after school. But when his Mom needs to make a quick stop at the store first, Colin’s plans — and his attitude — go into total meltdown. After causing an embarrassing scene at the store, will Colin find a way to clear his mind and still make it to the football game? Sol and Faze battle it out to decide if Colin will become helpful or helpless in the face of his unexpected detour.

    Helpful with: Flexible Thinking, Self-Regulation, Agency, Communication

  • Not the Boss of Me!

    HERO: Turbo - Encourages agency

    CON: Deep Freeze - Creates powerlessness

    KID: Brooke - Finds a new way to solve a problem

    Brooke’s sister Audrey always makes a huge mess in their shared bedroom. But no matter how many times Brooke asks Audrey to clean up, Audrey never listens. After a huge argument with Audrey, Brooke moves out of their room and into the hall closet. Now, everything can be JUST as Brooke wants it. But Brooke soon realizes that living in storage isn’t much fun, either. Will Deep Freeze keep Brooke feeling stuck in a lose-lose situation? Or will Turbo supercharge Brooke’s thinking, and help her find a new way to work with Audrey and solve their problem?

    Helpful with: Agency, Relationships, Communication, Siblings, Problem-Solving


The Heroes and Cons face off in more battles for our inner worlds!